Hong Kong Office

ADMIS Hong Kong Limited is a leading futures and options broker for individual, commercial and institutional investors in Asia. We are a licensed corporation under Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong. For 20+ years, we have provided seamless order routing to major global futures and options exchanges through multiple choices of online trading platforms. Our comprehensive and tailor-made solutions can serve customer’s hedging, risk management and trading needs.


亞達盟環球期貨有限公司是一家領先的期貨和選擇權經紀商,20 多年來一直為亞洲各地的個人、公司及機構投資者提供服務。我們是香港證監會的持牌法團。我們提供介紹經紀服務,提供與全球主要期貨交易所的無縫連接,並透過針對不同交易策略量身定制的各種線上交易平台促進高效的訂單執行。我們全面的解決方案旨在滿足客戶在對沖、風險管理和交易方面的需求。

Suite 2416, 24/F  1111 King’s Road
Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong

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