ADMISI London Wheat Report for 20 October

*Close price is the last traded price at time of report

Source: FutureSource 

Bullish sentiment returned across the board on US ag markets. Wheat is supported, Chicago Dec-21 Dec-21 was up 11 cents and Kansas Dec-21 up 9 cents at the time of writing.  Minneapolis Dec-21 continues to reach new contract highs after last yesterday’s close, hitting a trading high of 994 and up 15 cents at time of writing. Japan’s Ministry of Ag’s tender of 81,318t for Canadian and US wheat is closing tomorrow. Rabobank has forecast the Aussie wheat harvest to be 31.9Mmt as the combines are rolling in Queensland, down 4% on 2020 but still 25% above the five year average. Aussie canola production is expected to hit a new record high of 5.2Mmt, up 14% on 2020.

Matif wheat followed Chicago, continuing the bullish sentiment with higher prices. As mentioned beforehand, EU exports at current pace is unsustainable will need to price themselves out in order to curb the movement. Baltic milling wheat premiums have surpassed German levels, despite the freight disadvantage. Questions remain on the capacity and volume of milling wheat France can sell on the world markets, as do the volumes sold to China. Russian nearby demand continues with a strong FOB line-up, even with the prevailing tax changes and hikes, traders are trying to outload as quickly as possible. Aren’t they glad they invested into upgrading port infrastructure at Novorossiysk and on the Azov. Russian trader Demetra, Russia’s third largest wheat exporter, has confirmed the supply of 60kt of wheat to Algeria, the first major supply from Russia to Algeria since 2016. Inroads are starting to happen folks. French quality issues has pushed Algeria to search elsewhere and since last October, Algeria has relaxed its terms regarding bug damage. Oh hello Black Sea wheat. Matif Dec-21 settled up €4.50 on yesterday at €278.25/t and May-22 settled up €2.75 on yesterday at €267.25/t.

London wheat gained support from Paris. Nov-21 settled up £0.75 on yesterday at £207.25/t and May-22 settled up £2.25 on yesterday at £217.25/t. Physical prices remain strong with October East Anglia delivered at £205/t and Nov East Anglia delivered at £207/t.

Rapeseed continues its blitzkrieg climb to the sky. Matif Nov-21 hit a trading high today of €700/t, a true Chernobyl moment, before settling up €10.00 on yesterday at €698.25/t. May-22 settled up €11.75 on yesterday at €664/t. Canadian canola was also trading at contract high levels following yesterday’s close, Nov-21 trading up 6 cents. Chicago soybeans were steaming ahead with Nov-21 up 14 cents at time of writing and  May-22 up 15 cents at time of writing.

Contact the ADMISI Grains and Oilseeds Derivatives Brokerage team

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